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Wednesday, May 03, 2006
Yahoo! Mail Beta
It's not like me to post news taken from Slashdot or Digg [which is why I have relatively small traffic as opposed to many other bloggers I guess] but this is too good to pass up. These are the steps needed to enable Yahoo! mail beta as reproduced by me after listening to one of the Diggnation podcasts [where it was mentioned]

1. Log into your Yahoo mail account.
2. Go to Settings > Account Settings [on the left side frame]
NOTE: You can also get here by clicking "My Account" on the top of the page where it says "Welcome, "
3. Edit Member Info [first Edit button on the page] in the next page and select English - United Kingdom for your Content.
4. Click Finish [top right]
5. A new AUP shows up, click Agree
6. The "Try Beta" should appear, agree to start it.

If you get a "Browse not supported" page next, just use a supported browser and you'll be in. I have reports of IE sometimes crashing but I can't try it out myself so your milage may vary. Apparently you might be delayed, I got in right away but some people had to try out a few minutes later.

Don't know how long this will be available so get yours quickly. You're free to switch back to whichever Content you had before after you enable Beta, it will still be there.

Enjoy and trackback :)

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