got root?
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
hackd got Mac'd
Well, well, well... Given the demise of my previous laptop I had to look for something new to fuel my mobile needs [and otherwise.] After many, many hours of deep thought and consideration I have decided to purchase myself an iBook G4 in the 12" variety [given that I was looking for a 12" laptop to begin with.] The new machine has been dubbed inferno as was its predecessor.

I am very impressed with it =) Not only integration across applications works flawlessly [something that Windows still does not do - and proof to that is my work computer.] but just how sleek and sexy it is. Yes, I said my laptop is sexy :) What can you do?

I got darwinports and gcc right away, also XCode 2 and some video codecs. Oh, and MacGPG plus a plugin for Mail that lets me encrypt on-the-fly.
It even knows what colour my iPod is :) I guess it's pretty obvious why people love them so much. Plus, it's a BSD-based OS, which means I'm still like home using it.

For those that consider I have sold out and moved out of the Linux sphere, they are gravely mistaken :) My 'server' box continues to run Gentoo at blazing speeds, and that's the box I use for everything from ripping movies to downloading torrents and hacking your box :P

Anyway so far for now... I'm also experimenting with technorati tags from now on, so we'll see how that goes. Although, in all honesty, I'm considering buying hosting and moving to wordpress soon enough. Not that blogger isn't cool and whatnot, but I need more :)


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