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Tuesday, January 10, 2006
Right to Create: Patent Reform via Open Source

Wow, this goes in the "I'm getting a hard-on thinking about it" category! So IBM is pushing the envelope forward on Open Source, after donating 500 patents and supporting Linux, now this. I feel like river-dancing :D

In all seriousness though, this comes as a big hit to many corporations I'm sure. I can't wait to see the backfire to such news since it will naturally create an outcry from those players that make more money on patenting things they ponder about in the shitter and less money from selling them in good, useful products. Let's see, they'll probably say something having to do with not stimulating innovation, causing a flood of bad products and an overall impact on economy as a result of the big dogs abandoning certain areas of technology [I'm focusing here because this is where the big battles are given nowadays].

Innovation means new things; if prior art can be shown, then what you're trying to do is steal somebody else's idea. Shame to you!

Bad products do not survive in this [becoming] technotopia. There is no point people will use crappy things. In fact, they will rather pay some small price for quality when they're not forced to. So Research in Motion can go about their good business while NTP gets covered in their own slime after being publicly shunned for their lame-ass attempt to reap money without any merit whatsoever.

The economy won't dive overnight, and we will adapt to the new playing field just as we've managed to do it time and time again over the course of at least a few millennia.

This is part of our revolution!
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