got root?
Friday, July 08, 2005
So it's really hard to decide what to tell to a person when they let you know they are spammers and carders, and happy to be into it. I met such a person on chat tonight and I was unable to explain to her why I think spamming is such a disgusting practice. Far from me, now, a possible epiphany regarding the fact that maybe I do not mind spam as much as I think I do and so on, so forth... no, nothing of the sort.

But I was merely curious how does one begin to explain to a practicioner of spamming that what they do is inherently wrong? I mean, in an intelligent, equal-footing conversation, if the climate permits, how do the two sides advertise their point of view?

It is very late and I am unable to further any possible train of thought... I leave it to the random reader to throw a comment or two.
It would be like arguing with hannibal lecter that cannibalism is bad.Maybe their mom never hugged them,but whatever it is,they're missing a part of brain that would make them care about feeling bad in first place.
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