got root?
Wednesday, July 06, 2005
I so didn't need this...

but of course it happened. Filesystem inconsistencies on /home/ which is my reiserfs v3.6 partition... I had issues once before, but the badblock list was short... now, more stuff showed up. Anyway after 2 days and a whole bunch of `badblocks -o reiserdebug.log -v /dev/hda` and reiserfsck-ing I have it all back together... still... I believe a new hardrive might be required for my laptop and we all know what prices those things have. Adam can buy a whole computer with $300 and I have to pay close to that for a hardrive... it's not fair.

But yes, one of my other computers, purgatorio, is an AMD Athlon @ 1 GHz with 512 RAM and a 64MB ATI Radeon 7000... one could probably get even more back for the buck, but the machine has no problem running either *n`x-es or Windows stuff.
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