got root?
Friday, March 03, 2006
Microsoft's Develop Mental Tour 2006

So this is what I did tonight. Pretty good event I would say, of course far too short to cover in detail aspects of game programming. But a decent enough overview to peak my curiosity... yes, even mine, the Linux fiend. Plus I got a nifty book to get me started on C# [although I am currently getting into Perl]

In other news Shaw/Rogers, whom most Canadians recognize as one of the leading ISPs here, is starting to filter and throttle BitTorrent traffic on their network. Now, I never got any decent speed on b.t. before this was public on Shaw, at least on Telus it is constant and decent. But this is another proof of what RIAA/MPAA crusaders should be castrated, beaten with wet fish and shot with salt pellets for. I find it extremely hard to believe that the issue for this is trying to uphold users' traffic quotas. Should this come as a surprise for anyone? Far from. Expect this behaviour to pop-up around the world more and more.

Anybody willing to start up something like MindVox for the modern age? A high-speed, highly-anonymous ISP offerring. I guess at that point you run the risk of 3rd Tier providers denying your connections altogether.

I'm ranting :)

Trust your techno-lust!
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