got root?
Thursday, February 23, 2006
Solaris Enterprise System gone FREE

... and there's a link there on how to get S.E.S. for yourself. Only pay S&H and the actual media [10 DVD option, here I come] and get it. They also advertise that it will become open sourced soon - which is unbelievably good news. And that still means I want to work for them, heck, more than ever maybe :) Another victory for F.O.S.S. !

As Solaris' support for x86 is increasing I wonder how the competition is feeling. There are 4 systems out there, out of which 3 have enough applications for the desktop and I am sure Solaris will have more and more people porting software to it. A look out at should reveal interesting projects that could be ported.

Unfortunately, rki of RootContest and HackThisSite! fame has decided to stop activity on RC for now. The site is still up until the end of the week and depending on discussions there might be a new lead stepping up soon enough. There seems to be a strong support to keep the site running in one form or another and as such there might be no downtime at all. Either way, if you want a "rush run" this is your chance, while boxes are still online. Nothing is known on the fate of the site and the domain come March 1st - the date rki announced he is shutting down. As a staff member I cannot but regret this fact. I am looking forward to some communication with the rest of the staff to see whether we can still go on. rki said he is going to support and help out as much as possible. I understand, I guess, time issues that we all have are a factor in this.

Until next time... hack the planet!
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