got root?
Friday, March 24, 2006
shares and illegalities
How irresponsible - or plain stupid - needs a person be to put pictures of themselves and other friends indulging in large amounts of yayo? It isn't even snooping - seeing how I started iPhoto and the thing was mounted to my Library - so they can't even blame it on me. Heh, college life at its best. I simply think it's a bit risky to do that.

To each their own I suppose. I am going to begin more cluster failover testing and session replication issues. Things to do with how activities are being handled when nodes in clusters go under. Pretty interesting stuff and I can't wait for it. I think I'm generally slightly over-enthusiastic about aspects of work. Not that I find any reason not to be, really. :)

Be cool, stay in school! [or at least around it cause they have plenty of WiFiAPs usually :P

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