got root?
Thursday, August 17, 2006
supporting Vista
Considering that MS has already started releasing patches for an OS they have not officially shipped, I think we can all safely assume this means MS will never actually release Vista; instead, they will allow people to buy extensions to the Beta license and make Windows a rent-based OS. They will thwart complaints regarding security as a "this is Beta" thing but, despite GMail's on-going test phase, Vista will never get better.

this is just sad...

E normal ca in variantele Beta sa fie buguri. Asta e insasi ideea de Beta: o varianta pe care o dai gratuit, ca sa obtii feedback de la utilizatori.

O parte din buguri vor fi fixate in versiunea finala, insa pentru cele mai importante, MS a ales sa shipeze un patch.
Avand in vedere ca era vorba de un Beta (release notes avertizeasza despre posibile buguri), care, in plus, e distribuit gratuit, mi se pare ca initiativa de a distribui patch-uri ar trebui laudata, nu criticata...
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