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Sunday, January 14, 2007
texan argumentation formula
sneakysid: Da, americanii sunt o natie de cretini

At the end of the referenced video [from sneakysid's post] we see a new method for convincing one's peers of the superiority of one's own argument: it has been dubbed the "texan boy argument" by a friend of mine and refined to be the basis of the "texan argumentation formula" which is something like this:

  • find a controversial topic, such as war, religion or operating systems

  • choose a side, generally that which is more likely to be the winner

  • when defending or promoting your choice rely exclusively on phrases such as "it is obvious i'm right", "only a moron could think the opposite", "i support X because i believe in god" etc

  • when confronted and asked to expand on said argument reply with a variation of "are you stupid? it's obvious!" or maybe "i can't explain this to morons"

  • bask in the superiority of your debate techniques and the inherent glory which they will undoubtedly bring

If you doubt the effectiveness of this formula, remember that 80 million people were, at some point, convinced in a similar fashion.

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